» sexroulette posted on 03/31/10 by


Guy pulls her shirt down on TV.

Lets cum in a spoon, then drink it.

Rectal Control Fail
A man went to church one day and afterward he stopped to shake the preacher's hand. He said, "Preacher, I'll tell you, that was a damned fine sermon. Damned good!"
The preacher said, "Thank you sir, but I'd rather you didn't use profanity."
The man said, "I was so damned impressed with that sermon I put five thousand dollars in the offering plate!"
The preacher said, "No shit?"

Show boobs or the bird gets it.

Epic Chatroulette kid!

Oh that Shay is fine.

Good picture.

Whale fucker.

It works, try it.

Allah Akbar.

- FFL -
[NSFW] -
Drunk sex.
[ SFW ] -
Orgy time.
[ SFW ] -
Slutty girls.
[NSFW] -
Big ass tits.
[ SFW ] -
[NSFW] -
Deep sea sex.
[ SFW ] -
Talk to boobs.
[NSFW] -
Hot threesome.
[NSFW] -
Damn she's hot.
[NSFW] -
Two nice asses.
[NSFW] -
Facebook of sex.
[ SFW ] -
Get stuff for cheap
[NSFW] -
Cool SUV explosion.
[NSFW] -
Chat with naked girls.
[ SFW ] -
Oh great, a rape game.
[ SFW ] -
My Dick. Good classic song.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10 Lesbian sex secrets.
[ SFW ] -
$5 OFF with code "ENTENSIT"
[ SFW ] -
Another reason to hate clowns.
[ SFW ] -
Girl kicks ninja kicked to the head.
[ SFW ] -
Game that will cure your boredom.
[NSFW] -
Must be a new wrestling fisting move.
[ SFW ] -
Scientists teach gorilla it will die someday.
[ SFW ] -
160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes!
[ SFW ] -
Metallica?s Enter Sandman, done up all Kenny G style.
» fucking GSP posted on 03/29/10 by

UFC 111 Shane Carwin Vs Frank Mir!!!!!!!!!!!!

UFC 111 Rousimar Palhares Vs Tomasz Drwal (Holy leg lock)

UFC 111 Nate Diaz Vs. Rory Markham

Lady Gaga - Telephone (CHATROULETTE VERSION)

Wait for it!

Ever see a gay man beat a guy's ass and then strut?

Egg Masturbator. I want one!


How many hot dogs can go in there?
(Great bar joke you can say to a woman if you can memorize it)
One day there was a farmer who finds a bee hive and flails a jar at it and manages to catch four bees. He returns home and puts the jar on his deck and goes inside.
There are 4 bees in the jar. One male bee named John sitting and the bottom smoking a cigar and 3 female bees trying to escape. The female bees fly around the top of the jar fearing for their lives.
One female bee notices the male bee John smoking a cigar so she thinks he might know something. She flys down and says " You're smoking a cigar and meanwhile we need to get out of here or we are gonna die!"
John replies "I know how to get out of here and if you give me some ass ill tell you" The female bee says "ok!" and gives him some ass. After she does she says "tell me how to get out of here!" The male bee goes "fly as fast as you can toward the cap and you will be free" she does it and boom hits it and falls to the bottom of the jar. Dead.
John takes a puff of his cigar. A second female bee sees the male bee and suspects he knows something. She also wanted to know how to get out of the jar and the male bee told her to give him some ass and he would tell her. So she complies and John again tells her to fly as fast as she can at the cap. She flys faster and hits the top and boom hits the top and falls to the bottom. Dead.
The last female bee sees the two other dead female bees and flys to the bottom and says "hey! what the hell did you say to those bees to make them do that?!" The male bee says " Well i know how to get out of here, just give me some ass and ill tell you" she too complies and afterward asks "ok how do i get out?" He tells to her fly as fast as she can at the cap and she will be free. She flys even faster than the 2 other bees and slams into the cap of the jar.
After john watched the female bee he takes one last puff of his cigar then puts it out and starts flying as fast as he can toward the top...
If you want to know what happened when John got to the top, give me some ass and ill tell you!
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
Huge tits.
[NSFW] -
Nice booty.
[ SFW ] -
Jet trucks!
[NSFW] -
Bathtub BJ.
[NSFW] -
Hot sex tape.
[ SFW ] -
Assault game.
[NSFW] -
Hot cam girls.
[ SFW ] -
What the fu..?
[NSFW] -
Nice perky tits.
[ SFW ] -
Drunk party girls.
[NSFW] -
Facebook of Sex.
[NSFW] -
Nice homemade sex.
[NSFW] -
Teen couple fucking.
[NSFW] -
Stories Of Sexual Fail.
[ SFW ] -
Golf cart goes 125MPH.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10 Bad Movie Babes.
[NSFW] -
Porn Videos of the Month.
[ SFW ] -
Hockey coach gets pissed.
[NSFW] -
The Hottest Emo Girlfriends.
[ SFW ] -
GSP Vs Dan Hardy. (I hate GSP)
[ SFW ] -
Hillbilly fight in Whataburger. haha
[ SFW ] -
This is how you promote T-shirts!
[ SFW ] -
Hot girls make snow angels in bikinis.
[ SFW ] -
Chat Roulette Funny Piano Improv #2!
[ SFW ] -
Hangover Baby $5 OFF CODE "ENTENSIT"
[ SFW ] -
Man attempts CPR on a flattened possum.
[ SFW ] -
Check out this awesome new Photoshop tool.
[ SFW ] -
Woman causes crash shaving bikini area while driving.
[ SFW ] -
Marmaduke (Yes the comic strip) Trailer. Looks stupid.
[ SFW ] -
Bush wipes his hands on Clinton after touching black people.
[ SFW ] -
PS3, Xbox 360, Wii - All for under a fifty bucks - Coupon ENTENSITY.
[NSFW] -
Check A "Serbian Film" out, like half porn/half horror. (Red band Trailer)
» video dump posted on 03/26/10 by
Just some videos today, sorry no FFL. The forums are keeping me pretty busy at the moment.
Get in the forums while you can.

Chat Roulette Hanging Prank.

Haha, what is this cat doing?

Bad ass concrete breaking.

Seahorse gives birth!

Baby Hates Miley Cyrus, but loves Bon Jovi.

Tina Fey does Tracy Morgan Impression.

Is this guy fucking retarded?

40 Yard Dash Average Man vs. Athlete.

News Anchor Fall Fail.

I bet she died.

Dangerous sex!

Nice ass.
» er posted on 03/24/10 by
In case you can't read the updates, the forums are open.


Alice Eve (She's Out of My League) NAKED! Clip from Crossing Over.

And here's a boobie GIF of Alice Eve.

Wrestling and sex?

She gets pounded while on the phone.
Joke (You guys are slacking!)
A woman preparing to leave her husband casually informs him, "I'm going to become a hooker. I can make $400 for what I give you for free."
"I'm coming with you," the man replies. "I want to see you live on $800 a year"
- FFL -
[ SFW ] -
Gay test.
[NSFW] -
Nice rack.
[NSFW] -
Hot Latina.
[NSFW] -
Her first BJ.
[NSFW] -
Big ole booty.
[ SFW ] -
Bikini Contest.
[ SFW ] -
Baby got back.
[NSFW] -
Chat with sluts.
[NSFW] -
Horny Amateur.
[ SFW ] -
Fast knock out.
[NSFW] -
Facebook of sex.
[ SFW ] -
Make love not war.
[ SFW ] -
Cool bloody game.
[ SFW ] -
Boobs and Kittens.
[NSFW] -
Holy fisting batman!
[NSFW] -
Check out ASSBAT.
[NSFW] -
Big tits on this teen.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10 Crime Bosses.
[NSFW] -
Nice set of perky tits.
[ SFW ] -
Awesome book scanner.
[ SFW ] -
Star Wars: Incest Edition.
[ SFW ] -
Girls tries a backflip but..
[NSFW] -
The Hottest Emo Girlfriends.
[ SFW ] -
That chick in front is really hot.
[ SFW ] -
If you haven't seen this already check it out, everything 80-90% off.
» boom shakalaka posted on 03/22/10 by

Drunk driver crashes in parking lot and tries to run.

The Shocker Song. (Chick sings it)

Deaf girl dances and sings. Hello Satan.

What A Wonderful World (Death Metal Version)

HS kid breaks backboard.

Ferrari cleaning trick.

Cool trick shots.

Watch what happens.


One day Mr. Smith, the president of a corporation, called his vice-president, Dave, into his office and said, "We're making some cutbacks, so either Jack or Barbara will have to be laid off."
Dave looked at Mr. Smith and said, "Barbara is my best worker, but Jack has a wife and three kids. I don't know whom to fire."
The next morning Dave waited for his employees to arrive.
Barbara was the first to come in, so Dave said, "Barbara, I've got a problem. You see, I've got to lay you or Jack off and I don't know what to do?"
Barbara replied, "You'd better jack off. I've got a headache."
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
Anal time.
[ SFW ] -
Tampon prank.
[NSFW] -
Emo teen naked.
[ SFW ] -
Girls kissing girls.
[NSFW] -
Facebook of sex.
[NSFW] -
Busty ASIAN girl.
[NSFW] -
Self-shot hotties.
[ SFW ] -
Spring Break butts.
[NSFW] -
Chat with whores.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10 heist jobs.
[ SFW ] -
Kick the dog, FAIL.
[ SFW ] -
A Depressed Whale.
[ SFW ] -
These T-shirts kick ass.
[ SFW ] -
Pretty fun shooting game.
[ SFW ] -
Hobo with a shotgun? Wtf?
[ SFW ] -
Very cool online drawing tool.
[ SFW ] -
CODE for $5 use it! "ENTENSIT"
[ SFW ] -
Chat Roulette Funny Piano Improv.
[NSFW] -
She wanted it on her tits, not face.
[ SFW ] -
Check out this retarded truck driver.
[ SFW ] -
How good are your UNbalance skills?
[NSFW] -
Old Guy Fucked Neighbors Daughter Hard
[NSFW] -
How To Give A Girl A Yeast Infection. Ew.
[ SFW ] -
Operation Repo, Damn these bitches are fat.
[ SFW ] -
"All black people, leave the store now" Haha dumbass kid.
[ SFW ] -
Get an awesome Google Phone - The new Nexus One, for just $129.95
» pendejo posted on 03/19/10 by

Arnold watches the new Karate Kid trailer.

If Ninja Turtles used their weapons.

Leo and Satan.

Ninja pandas!!!

Holy shit!

Watch out.

Sniffing Coke.

Truck runs over some people.

Snow White... porn. haha
Q and A
Q. How does Lady GaGa like her steak?
A. Raw raw raw raw raw
Q: How do you wake up Lady GaGa?
A: Poker Face!
Q: Why wasn't Jesus born in Mexico?
A: They couldn't find three wisemen and a virgin.
Q: How do you get away with raping a deaf girl?
A: Break her fingers so she can't tell her mom.
Q: What's the hardest thing about being a pedophile?
A: Fitting in.
- FFL -
[ SFW ] -
Movie shirts.
[ SFW ] -
The line game.
[NSFW] -
Lesbian teens.
[NSFW] -
Big titties bitch.
[NSFW] -
Teens exposed.
[NSFW] -
Naked Cam Girls.
[ SFW ] -
[NSFW] -
Hot teen naked!
[ SFW ] -
New Shrek teaser.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10 Sex Myths,
[NSFW] -
Get laid this weekend!
[ SFW ] -
100,000 Paper Planes.
[ SFW ] -
Dog is smarter than baby.
[NSFW] -
Porn has the best writers.
[ SFW ] -
Spring Break Bikini Contest.
[ SFW ] -
New Predator movie trailer.
[ SFW ] -
The "Hand Bra" is the best.
[NSFW] -
The Hottest Emo Girlfriends.
[NSFW] -
Russian Teen Fucks For Vodka.
[ SFW ] -
"My Mom's on Facebook" Song.
[ SFW ] -
Jesus this game is hard as fuck.
[ SFW ] -
Cartoon animals sing about adultery.
[ SFW ] -
Video of TV station being hacked in the 80s.
[ SFW ] -
When Harry Met Sally: Extended Orgasm Scene.
[ SFW ] -
55 inch Samsung LED TV for less than a $100 - Use coupon ENTENSITY
» the porn day posted on 03/17/10 by


Oops! My Implants Fell Out!

She's hot.

A woman found out that her husband was cheating on her while stationed in Saudi a few months ago.
So she sends him this care package.He is excited to get a package from his wife back home. He finds that it contains a batch of home made cookies and a VHS tape of his favorite TV shows.
He invites a couple of his buddies over and they?re all sitting around having a great time eating the cookies and watching some episodes of South Park.
Right in the middle of one episode the tape cuts to a home video of his wife on her knees sucking his bestfriend?s privates. After a few seconds, he does his business in her mouth and she turns and spits the load right into the mixing bowl of cookie dough.
She then looks at the camera and says, ?By the way, I want a divorce.?

Oh that Brad Pitt!



Black guy not amused.

He's everywhere.


What the fu..
- FFL -
[ SFW ] -
Epic ass.
[NSFW] -
Perky tits.
[ SFW ] -
Gravity game.
[ SFW ] -
Bikini girl FAIL.
[ SFW ] -
Goatse Doritos?
[NSFW] -
Facebook of sex.
[NSFW] -
DVD quality porn.
[ SFW ] -
Bunch of nice asses.
[ SFW ] -
Lady Gaga or Madonna?
[ SFW ] -
He passed the gay test.
[ SFW ] -
Beware of crazy women.
[NSFW] -
Tit cumshot compilation.
[NSFW] -
Big tits on this babysitter.
[NSFW] -
May be the best tits ever.
[ SFW ] -
How to make the first move.
[ SFW ] -
"I Lost My Virginity To A Dog"
[ SFW ] -
$5 (code ENTENSIT) these funny shirts.
[ SFW ] -
Heavy rain/flooding makes road collapse.
[ SFW ] -
It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer (shirt)
[ SFW ] -
"Man used penis to assault female police officer"
[ SFW ] -
Inglorious Basterds must have been fun to work on.
» yawwnnnnnn posted on 03/15/10 by

Top 20 5 Second Films

Stupid buzzard.

360 Alley Oop!!!

Wall of Death is cool.

Guy on a bike goes airborne.


Three people get ran over.

A watermelon farmer was determined to scare off the local kids who went into his watermelon patch every night to eat their fill.
After some thought, he made a sign that read, ?WARNING! ONE OF THESE WATERMELONS HAS BEEN INJECTED WITH CYANIDE!?
He smiled smugly as he watched the kids run off the next night without eating any of his melons.
A week later, the farmer was surveying his field. To his satisfaction, no watermelons were missing, but a sign next to his read, ?NOW THERE ARE TWO!?
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
Get laid.
[ SFW ] -
Hot chick.
[NSFW] -
Sexy cam girls.
[NSFW] -
Very nice booty.
[ SFW ] -
Funny ass shirts.
[NSFW] -
Perfect teen ass.
[ SFW ] -
Pretty cool magic.
[NSFW] -
Huge natural titties.
[ SFW ] -
Lion King toy FAIL.
[ SFW ] -
Trolololol Guy Reacts.
[ SFW ] -
Butterbean MMA fight.
[NSFW] -
Teen with a great rack.
[ SFW ] -
Fun with exercise balls.
[NSFW] -
Does this make him gay?
[ SFW ] -
Strange but pretty funny.
[NSFW] -
Photo journal of a pervert.
[ SFW ] -
Escape Chuck Norris game.
[NSFW] -
Two teens for the price of one.
[ SFW ] -
Stoned version of that Russian singer.
[ SFW ] -
Lady GaGa looks tired at this concert.
[ SFW ] -
Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer.
[ SFW ] -
This chick is awesome with that guitar.
[ SFW ] -
The intimate scent of a beautiful woman.
[ SFW ] -
Nightmare on Elm Street: Old vs. Remake.
[ SFW ] -
Supermodels Strip to Fight Global Warming.
[ SFW ] -
Lady Gaga and Beyonce new music video. (Beginning is funny)