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12/12/24: Archives all updated!
» Shit. posted on 08/31/05 by Opie

W.O.W time.

That crazy American Racist dude. (Funny as hell)

Lets ride a....

Started to use this as todays W.O.W

Do this step by step..

1) Visit

2) Click on "Language Tools"

3) Type "Britney's mom is very nice" in the Translate Text box.

4) Select "English to Spanish" in the combo below.

5) Press Translate and wait for the translation.

6) Now copy the translated text from the above text and paste it in the Translate text box below.

7) Select "Spanish to English" in the combo below.

- FFL -

- Sexy Girl.
- Lesbian action.
- I like the beads.
- Beat gas prices!
- Free porn and stuff.
- Lighting a fart on fire.
- Survey SAYS! - Racist.
- Cookie monster in rehab.
- Why hello cock teasers.
- New Orleans lost & found.
- Yay for falling down stairs.
- Weird Al interviews Eminem.
- Pam Anderson Kisses Lohan.
- Girls making out in their PJs.
- Another putt-putt golf game.
- Haha.. Read this hotty's profile.
- Coyote Ugly was a great movie.
- I like her body and booty shaking.
- Fat Joe diss at the VMAs. Ignorant.
- Find a date on the fucking Internet!
- For girls that anxious to bleed. Sort-of.
- Drag racing can cause a wreck or two.
- I'm concerned with that "other" category.
- They picked some great models for these.
- Apparently this weatherman wants to talk.
- Since when do guys care if they're raped?
- I thought British people only said "Bloody hell".
- Get the sheep in the gate. No fucking though.
- HAHA! I live in LA and this is funny to even me.
- An X-ray camera? I call bullshit. (Send me a free copy)
- Maria Sharapova, not only is she hot on the tennis court.

» HAHA I missed another Friday. posted on 08/29/05 by Opie

Two awesome UFC KOs.

A bunch of the Walker clips in one. (Good stuff)

In case you didn't get the "Tree-Fidty" southpark sound clips.

This sand is crazy.


A man and his wife were working in their garden one day and the man looks over at his wife and says: "Your butt is getting really big, I mean really big.

I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue." With that he proceeded to get a measuring tape and measured the grill and then went over to where his wife was working and measured his wife's bottom.

Yes, I was right, your butt is two inches wider than the barbecue!!!" The woman chose to ignore her husband.

Later that night in bed, the husband is feeling a little frisky. He makes some advances towards his wife who completely brushes him off.

What's wrong?" he asks. She answers: "Do you really think I'm going to fire up this big-ass grill for one little weenie?"

Images.. or something

Damn Nigga!

Mean Daddy.

Twin Peaks. (That was a great pun, huh?)

You think that hurt? (Birdshot)

Ignorance through religion.

The girl in the back makes this one.

- FFL -

- Pretty Girl.
- Perfect Girl.
- Come onnn tittie!
- Horrible snake bite.
- The ukulele is cool.
- Hot little cutie girl.
- It's the penis couch.
- Hungry Hungry Mario.
- Lesbian for your soul.
- The new Doom trailer.
- Blind man's penis.. Uh...
- Finally.. A beer holster.
- Two soldiers beaten up.
- Cool people date online.
- Real 40-year-old virgins?
- Baywatch in the fountain.
- Harder version of breakout.
- For all you ASIANS out there.
- Remember this cool fish video?
- Maria Sharapova still growing.
- Scare the kid out of the house.
- I'd get fake boobs for 100k too.
- A singing animal is always cool.
- Humans are at the LONDON zoo.
- Who here has a Prostitute Phobia?
- When Santa attacks. (At the mall)
- Anti-WAR flash video. Kind of dumb.
- I like the "Professional whore" part.
- People that steal in general are dumb.
- You are gay, if you question yourself.
- Finally a game for the autistic viewers.
- Let's go jump over the fire - I'm dumb.
- Haha.. Holy shit! The real-life Ken doll!
- Beyonce's boobs bounce while dancing.
- "Apartment Furnished With FedEx Boxes"
- I think we need to see boobs of Brooke. Right?
- In case you haven't heard about the Google Talk.
- Another new Mountain Dew. I want a cotton candy flavor.
- What the hell kind of porn is this? I need at least one tittie.
- Utah rave gets busted. Ha-fucking-ha, you glowstick/pacifier bitches.

» Boooo posted on 08/24/05 by Opie

Another good W.O.W for ya.

Something old and dumb!

1. Lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.

Your foot will change direction.

What... the....

Very funny prank call.

Few images

Damn Nigga!

Entensity all over it.. right?

Jesus - Nigga?

Hungry road.

- FFL -

- Hot babe.
- Sexy boobs.
- This is a fish?
- Rape or murder?
- Free porn be here.
- Extreme wheelchair.
- Hello Planet of the Apes.
- Hidden Iraqi Jet pictures.
- Another damn tree-fitty!?
- Girls doing lesbian activities.
- How to give head. (Old lady)
- Music video casting call. Hot!
- The ring 2 is almost out on DVD.
- Just think if this really is a fetish..
- Porn star or "My little Pony" name?
- This game will kill some time for you.
- Girls enjoy the camera over the net.
- This Chirs Angel (Magic dude) guy is crazy.
- Cameron Diaz likes Sex, With her clothes on.
- Remember the cartoon "Doug"? Well, here's porn.

» I smell ni.. posted on 08/22/05 by Opie

Beauty Kit for little girls.

Two Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo clips. haha

Funny idea.

Watch out for moving objects, like cars.


A man is stumbling through the woods, totally drunk,
when he comes upon a preacher baptizing people in
the river. He proceeds to walk into the water and
subsequently bumps into the preacher.

The preacher turns around and is almost overcome
by the smell of alcohol, whereupon he asks the drunk,
"Are you ready to find Jesus?"

The drunk answers, "Yes, I am."

So the preacher grabs him and dunks him in the water.
He pulls him up and asks the drunk, "Brother have
you found Jesus?"

The drunk replies, "No, I haven't found Jesus."

The preacher, shocked at the answer, dunks him into
the water again for a little longer. He again pulls him
out of the water and asks again. "Have you found
Jesus my brother?"

The drunk again answers, "No, I haven't found Jesus."

By this time the preacher is at his wits end and dunks
the drunk in the water again --- but this time holds him
down for about 30 seconds. When he begins kicking his
arms and legs, the preacher pulls him up and again
asks the drunk, "For the love of God have you found Jesus?

The drunk wipes his eyes and catches his breath and
says to the preacher,

"Are you sure this is where he fell in?"


Fake, but funny.

Oh.. really.

Possible freak?

Damn Nigga!

Airplane in Troy!?

No comment.

- FFL -

- Hot girl.
- Hats of meat?
- Kate Spanked.
- Oh, this is neat.
- Bouncing Boobs.
- Snoop dogg rules.
- Tiffany teen in black.
- Cool skydiving video.
- Jennifer Love Hewitt.
- Hottie Coed Webcam.
- Like to cyber? You dork.
- Alyssa Milano Lapdance.
- Family Guy Animated Gifs.
- Clip of some f-u-c-k-i-n-g.
- This can't be a real porn clip.
- Why not play some Pacman?
- Does the loop on a little bike.
- Great slideshow for you guys.
- Check out this hot ass blonde.
- Birds flying HIGH is dangerous.
- Is the "Special fit" a witty pun?
- Nobody likes their ship to sink in.
- Classic video of a future porn star.
- Billy D Washington is a funny guy.
- No Angels in that outfield. Ouch!
- Christopher Walken for President!
- Pretty good with a butterfly knife.
- These ASIANS are silly, not CRAZY!
- Busted by is Mom on the INTERNET!
- Make Jessica dance with your mouse.
- Scorpions?! I don't want to get stung!
- Labia stretching? Yeah, with my mouth..
- You're going to hell with me for laughing.
- A bunch of kid games to make you feel special.
- Why do idiots like this make me laugh so much?
- Is case you didn't hear about the MG comics...
- Just give them food stamps. Oops, was that racist?
- If you dress your pet, dress your cat with a ball of fire.
- Oh no! The red ranger committed murder. It's OK, he'll morph out of jail.
- Yeah I always wanted to shoot elephants with my red rider in the woods.

» Enjoy bitches. posted on 08/17/05 by Opie

Goddamn this W.O.W chick is hot.

Q and A

Q: How do they make roads in South Africa?
A: They make the black people lay down and have every other one smile.

Q: What's the difference between onions and prostitutes?
A: I cry when I cut up onions...

Q: How do you know Michael Jackson's on a date?
A: There's a power wheels parked outside of his house.

Q: How do you stop African Americans from surfing?
A: Hang 10.


Leno interviews the Runaway Bride.

Don't hit women guys.

Video of that leg snap. (Pictures posted earlier)


Funniest picture of the week goes to...

Damn Nigga!.. hahaha

You're going to hell with me for laughing.

Her boob fell out!!!!!!!!

- FFL -

- Masturbating.
- Elisha Cuthbert.
- Free porn for ya.
- I bet that shit hurt.
- Rockstar super pimp.
- Getting high at work.
- Spreading the pussy.
- Masked Pole Dancer.
- Kate's Webcam Strip.
- Why do people do this?
- Not bad, for a short film.
- It's the toilet restaurant.
- Crazy little shooting game.
- Soldier hit with cannon recoil.
- Jewelry for wildlife. How sweet.
- Haha.. this guy is TASER proof.
- Hard to believe that this is snow.
- More retarded black metal pictures.
- People get retarded when it comes to sales.
- He gets hit by a bloody car. - English accent
- Repost of that fucking idiot breaking into cars.
- Guy's terror scheme terrorizes himself the most.
- Being cruel to elephants is stupid. I'm with Peta for a change.
- Death of a cat. Fair warning - GRAPHIC AND FUCKED UP. Haha


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