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12/12/24: Archives all updated!
» Saturday post? posted on 07/09/05 by Opie

First, I almost have the forums ready but I wont tell you when I'll open them. This is what you need to know:

1) They will open for brief periods starting Sunday (7/10) - Next Sunday.
2) It may take a week before you're approved.
3) You just have to check the site to see if it's open.

Stop bugging me about last months archives too, they're uploaded I just have to put them up. Also same deal with Daily babes.


Another great Family Guy clip!


Now stop requesting it. Enjoy.

I think a girl submitted this one

The husband had just finished reading the book, 'MAN OF THE HOUSE'.

He stormed into the kitchen and walked directly up to his wife.

Pointing a finger in her face, he said, "From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house, and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you are going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I'm finished with my bath, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair?"

His wife replied, "The fucking funeral director would be my guess?!"

- FFL -

- Upskirt.
- What the...
- Great porn site.
- Amateur Porno.
- Crazy van jump.
- Jennifer Garner.
- Hmm.. I'd do her.
- What a lucky kid.
- Junk in the trunk.
- Face dive on a table.
- Hottie on the beach.
- Mass sheep suicide!
- Lets steal a cop car.
- Have fun with pennies!
- Iraq War Casualties. (Map)
- Britney going to pose naked?
- Holy shit! Crazy police pull over.
- This look like a dog to any of you?
- Check out the main page of heavy.
- More of the American Racist. haha
- Find a date in your state.. You loser.
- "Crash" the Wedding Crashers trailer.
- This pen may have other uses.. Girls.
- Follow up to the "Glen" Starbucks commercial.
- I thought there was already "increased" security?
- One of those interactive type things. She's hot too.
- Mcdonald's workers wont a new look? Too many jokes..

» I got nothing posted on 07/06/05 by Opie

W.O.W - Sydney Moon fans?


Adam was talking to his friend at the bar, and he said, "I don't know what to get my wife for her birthday - she has everything, and besides, she can afford to buy anything she wants, so I'm stuck."

His friend said, "I have an idea! Why don't you make up a certificate saying she can have 60 minutes of great sex, any way she wants it. She'll probably be thrilled." Adam decided to to his friend's advice.

The next day at the bar his friend said, "Well? Did you take my suggestion?"

"Yes, I did," Adam replied.

"Did she like it?"

"Oh yes! she jumped up , thanked me, kissed me on the forehead and ran out the door, yelling "I'll be back in an hour!!"

More stuff..

The bird was suppose to fly.. haha.

He wanted it.



- FFL -

- Sick Sex.
- Mud Milfs.
- Great sex.
- Hot Babes.
- Paintball fun.
- I'd do this girl.
- Free porn. Yay.
- Elephant Freak Out.
- Old man kicks some ass.
- Sleepwalked onto a crane.
- Oh my god, it's in your ass!
- This is a classic Britney clip.
- Parole in 500 hundred years?
- This is why I hate fake titties.
- Well isn't this the darnest thing.
- Roll your mouse over the picture.
- Shot in the stomach by cannonball.
- Pretty good free porn preview thingy.
- Photoshop fun with those two crazy people.
- Australian cricket has lots of the sex. (Old date, but hey)

P.S. Had server problems last night as I'm sure you noticed, sorry about that.

P.S. 2: Be sure to check out the site this weekend and maybe the forums will be open for a very brief time. Probably going to start mixing post dates up during the summer. (Expect Wed)

» FIRECRACKERS!!!!!! posted on 07/04/05 by Opie

To the Peter....

Ashton Kutcher and Federline. (SNL)

These are some "through-the-sniper-scope" video shots of some sniper kills in Afghanistan.


A Marine stationed in Afghanistan recently received a "Dear John"
Letter from his girlfriend back home. It read as follows:

Dear Ricky, I can no longer continue our relationship. The distance
between us is just too great. I must admit that I have cheated on
you twice since you've been gone, and it's not fair to either of us.
I'm sorry. Please return the picture of me that I sent to you.


The Marine, with hurt feelings, asked his fellow Marines for any
snapshots they could spare of their girlfriends, sisters,
ex-girlfriends, aunts, cousins etc. In addition to the picture of

Ricky included all the other pictures of the pretty gals he had
collected from his buddies.

There were 57 photos in that envelope along with this note:

Dear Becky, I'm so sorry, but I can't quite remember who the
fuck you are. Please take your picture from the pile, and send the rest
back to me.

Take Care, Ricky


Damn Nigga!

Water shoes? HAHAHAHA. No.

So wrong, yet funny.

Lean a little bit more.

Too funny.

That's crazy.

Anyone care to explain this one?

- FFL -

- Hot girl.
- Pretty cool game.
- Come onnnn tittie.
- That had to hurt.
- Girlie in a red skirt.
- If you hate horses..
- Office bow of death!
- Singing during the sex.
- Pam Anderson Sex Clip.
- Nice body on her. In deed.
- More bare knuckle fighting.
- You can't help not to laugh.
- Vampire/Demon porn. Oh no.
- This interactive video is crazy.
- Holy shit! Batman is a fugitive!
- Anyone want to buy her a drink?
- That sexy Jessica Simpson video.
- Find yourself a date for the 4th.
- This bitch is nasty... But kind of hot.
- Castration fantasy? Uh how about no.
- This roller Coaster is stuck at the top.
- This foreign singer chick is hot as hell.
- A girl that likes to stalk guys. That's great..
- This could be great for the stupid MTV show.
- The real 'Saving Private Ryan' opening scene.
- You'll just laugh at this , then shake your head.
- This video is very graphic and sick. So I'm posting it.

» hi!!!!! Poot. posted on 07/01/05 by Opie

Best idea ever. This is hilarious.


June 28, 2005

Re: Eve Jeffers p/k/a “Eve” –
Dear Sir/Madam:
This law firm acts as litigation counsel for Eve Jeffers p/k/a “Eve.”

We have been advised that you are advertising, marketing, displaying and otherwise disseminating what you characterize as a “sex tape” featuring Eve (the “Tape”).

Your activities in this regard constitute actionable violations of Eve’s rights of privacy and publicity. Additionally, we are advised that the Tape was stolen from a private residence and as such, you may be trafficking in stolen merchandise.

We hereby demand that you: (1) immediately cease and desist from advertising, marketing, displaying and disseminating the Tape; (2) disclose in writing by no later than June 29, 2005 the identity of the person or persons from whom you obtained the Tape and to whom you have given copies of the Tape; and (3) deliver all copies of the Tape in whatsoever format it may exist to the undersigned.

Unless you immediately and fully comply with the foregoing demand, our client will pursue her legal options against you, including, but not limited to, the commencement of an action for violations of privacy and publicity rights and referral of the matter to the appropriate authorities.

Nothing contained herein or omitted herefrom shall be deemed to be a waiver of any of our client’s rights at law or in equity, all such rights being expressly reserved.

Very truly yours,


Just thought I'd share that with you. I didn't even host it on my servers.


Damn Nigga!


You wish there was a video.


Let's go hunt the dog.

You can't help not to laugh.

Big ass moose.


Shortly after her wedding, the newlywed wife is complaining to her mother about her husband's insatiable sexual appetite.

"He wants to do it 15 times a day, anytime, anyplace, anywhere -- on the table, on the stairs, on the sofa, in the car, in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. I can barely walk anymore!"

The mother advises her daughter to tell him that she has her period, which seems like a good idea.

So that evening, when the husband comes home from work, he proceeds to undress himself and his wife, when she stops him.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but it's that time of the month."

The husband gets up, looks at his wife, and says, "It's all good honey. I understand." He puts on a robe and walks away.

The wife is somewhat surprised at the mature reaction of her husband, until a few minutes later he returns holding two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

So she asks, "What's going on, dear?"

"We're celebrating!" he replies.

"Celebrating? What exactly are we celebrating?" she asks.

"Anal sex week!"

- FFL -

- Pervert.
- Hot Meat.
- Boob Wash.
- College Girls.
- 646 lb fishy.
- Elisha Cuthbert.
- Redneck Romps.
- Buy celebrity shit.
- Cow girls are hot.
- Look at the ass on..
- Masturbation is key.
- Napoleon vs. Usher.
- You girls are crazy.
- Um. Big coat for you?
- Top 10 terrorists. (SNL)
- Why do this? Seriously..
- Greatest story ever told?
- Offended by stamps now.
- American History X ruled.
- Every guy should wear this.
- Free DVD quality porn clips.
- Drunk girls getting arrested!
- Oh shit that's a snake. Haha
- Possessed by the devil on TV.
- What the hell is going on here?
- What the fuck is this British shit.
- Feeding time for snakes. (Videos)
- I hope their profit is negative 24 cents.
- Play Monopoly live on THE INTERNET!
- Trailer for the remake of KING KONG!!!!!!!
- This guy asked google to kill his sex drive.
- This study was obviously performed on Asians.
- What a shithead. I wonder if ksat meant to have the "log" pun.

I wanted to put more content up, but still not caught all the way up. (Will happen this weekend) Also will do the archives etc.. etc..

You guys be safe this weekend. Firecrackers in your nose don't hurt. OK?


Daily Babe that is, you guessed it Updated Daily!!!, Also tons of archived Babes! Everyone loves W.O.W, well now you can enjoy it everyday! The best Funny, Crazy, or whatever clips posted on Entensity! A different Joke everyday! A Funny, Crazy, or just Awesome Movie Clip Of The Week Fans love writing Entensity on their Boobs, so send yours in and be famous!



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