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Funny Shit [Hatemail 101]

Well who would of thought people really take the time to send hatemail to me, well I've taken the time so y'all can laugh at these complete idiots.

Hatemail #1

Subject: (no subject)

you suck, your site sucks, that stupid list sucks, and i don't care if you ban me i wont never come back anyway and by the way you once used the stupid :) thing so you must be an idiot and why would a 21 (or how ever old you are) be making a website? next thing why don't you buy more space for your website, instead of asking people to give you some. Plus you stole all the pictures that are in your posts from websites THEN try to claim them as your own...but you wont let anyone else have any of the ones on your site. I still want to know why you even have a website? and don't just blow me off like some little kid.


Hours later...

Subject: (no subject)

im not affended by your stupid shit get more content on your site then maybe it would be better fagit

Subject: (no subject)

god your gay

Oh yes there even more from this fucktard (these were all sent in the same HOUR)..

To: sent to alot of my email addys,i guess he/she thinks is different accounts)
Subject: (no subject)

why the fuck do you steal images off other websites and claim it as yours (dont lie either)

To: sent to alot of my email addys,i guess he/she thinks is different accounts)
Subject: (no subject)

why do you call your self 'opie' what do you have big fuckin ears or somthing? you fag

To: sent to alot of my email addys,i guess he/she thinks is different accounts)
Subject: (no subject)

< Attached this image. >

Subject: (no subject)

Your can post hate mail on your shitty website, you fuckin retard, its actually good I get some publicity. I don't care if you post this one because heres a list of my own for you...
Your gay if...
-Your 21 and still have to broadcast your life on the Internet.
-You have to post every fuckin thing on your shiity website.
-You have a stupid 'hotties' section on your site.
-You have a nickname like 'Opie'.
-You have to brag about how many 'hits' you get on your site a day.

and the list goes on and on...

My response to this:

Well just read that, if you want to sit at your computer writing up all this shit then be my guest. You say you're not coming back to my site, yet you keep sending e-mails like I could give a flying shit?

Hatemail #2

Subject: hello

Hello opie,
Dude, i just wana say your layout sucks. You need to learn to fuckin make graphics using other colors than fucking white. That shows how much you suck at this crap, and if you are 21 then thats pathetic....a web site at 21.....and a crappy one may i add..


My response to this:

Well well this is a little dork that post on Bizzo's and all he really does is tag along with them and post a bunch of shit on how much I "suck", yadda yadda yadda and then post "ok im going to drop this" and deletes his post. Ok I've said this 100000 times, if do not like me or my site then don't come to it. What is so hard to understand about that? I don't need your hit, Iget plenty. Its really funny how he talks all this shit when in all he is just a little nerd with only online "friends"..

Hatemail #3

Subject: fuck you

hi, im just writing to tell you how much of a stupid pathetic little loser you are. your site sucks so much losery cock! i mean what the fuck is wrong with you? you cant even afford 100 bucks? i sugest getting off your fat loser ass and sweepin the floor at McDonalds or somethin. you lasy piece of gorilla dick. if your site sucked any worse, i would probably give u the money because i feel sorry for you. so keep up the pitiful work and mabye someone will make a donation...

P.S. your not the only one who seen the awards show, so get off it, old news, bitch. go fuck yourself.
oh yeah, tll your mother to come pick up her panties, she left them in my car.... whore

My response to this:

Ok now who's the loser? Im not the one you sent someone that runs a site hatemail. Now why would you even write something for such a shitty site? As for money well Imost likely have more money than your whole family (considering where I work). As for being fat? Well its true last time I stepped on the scale that sucka broke..

P.S. Aren't the "your momma" jokes like years old? Heres some some good ones for you:

-Your mama is such a whore, she has given more feel ups than Texaco.
-Your mama is so ugly, rice crispies won't even talk to her.
-Your mama is like the Bermuda Triangle, they both swallow a lot of seamen.
-Your mama is like a turtle, once she's on her back she's fucked.
-Your mama is like mustard, she spreads easy.
-Your Mama is so skanky, she keeps ice between her legs to keep the crabs fresh.
-Your mama is so stupid, she gave birth to you.

I could go on, but you get the picture..stupid cunt.

Hatemail #4

Subject: another for you list

Hey there, some more for your list...

You are an asshole if...

1) If you call yourself opie
2)You cant afford your own website so you ask for "donations"
3)If you post list of things people to do that you think can classify them as an "idiot"
4)If you think your cool cuz you spell "intensity", "entensity"
5)If you copy pictures that weren't taken by you and take credit for them by copyrighting them
6)If you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside because you think you have friends

My response to this:

Ok for one I can afford my website and make plenty of money, but why waste it on something I make no profit off of? Now I could throw 100 ads per page, but I hate too many ads. Next - yeah I know im an asshole.. Last - You say I'm an asshole for posting a list for idiots, well what the fuck did you just email me? Dumbass.

Hatemail #5

Subject: Sup

Hey, you're a fucking loser, you can't even insult someone with out using faulty grammar or spelling. Opie, I hope to god you developed a brain tumor. Get some HTML skills and make a site with a purpose, instead of one that points out your stupidity and lameness.

I hope you can learn something from my site, which by the way generates over 750,000 page views a month.

Get a life you lonely piece of shit.

Worse regards,
Josh (Digital), Founder
<he put his url to his site here>

My response to this:

Well well if it isn't good buddy digital5gay, yes I'm sure some of you remember him? Well if not I'll give you a little info:

-First he uses the same layout he ripped from like for months.
-All he ever had was a TON of links that either said "404 error" or "Coming Soon"
-He has had a "log-in" link on his site for news and guess what it says..."404 ERROR".
-Can't install a cgi script to save his dumbass life.
-Doesn't know html and can barely use Frontpage.
-Uses the same counter that he's had for at least 3 different sites, oh the best part is that it refreshes after each page. If my counter refreshed I would have over 1 million page views a month (whoop-de-doo)

So in all digital your just a little pc nerd that is quite pathetic, so I think you should get that "life" thing.

Hatemail #6

Subject: <none>

hope you get the west Nile virus and die. You deserve no les.
Best regards,
Josh (Digital), Founder,

My site owns yours you 21 year old low life! bahhah you fucking cock sucker!

My response to this:

Aww did someone get their pussy hurt? I didn't let him in the forums..poor baby. Too bad your to stupid to realize the awh exploit. Oh and how can a site "own" me when all you do is copy and paste links from news sites? Clever!!

Hatemail #7

From: Eric Smith
Subject: ...

Honestly dude, your an idiot. I have always loved your site, I visit atleast once a week, but what you said was horse shit. I'm talking about the aids post. Do you honestly think African nations have the money to give out Millions of free condoms, even then, sex isn't the only cause of aids is it? The aim of the puppet was to make life easier for the people with aids. After all, what good is a fucking condum if you already have aids. You take things for granted, if you were out in Africa, with your Mom and Dad died of aids you would be bitching, and you know it.
And also, whats old starvin' Marvin going to do with a condum, he can't eat it, he can't use it, and that goes with all the other kids out there who have aids.
Sure a condum may help a bit, but I bet if the all had endless supplys of Trojans there would still be millions suffering from Aids,

My response to this:

Yeah im the idiot that thinks having a 5 year old puppet aimed at little AIDS infested kids is stupid. Read what your saying dumbass. A condom does a lot if you know anything about sex. Yeah for you maybe it doesn't matter when you jack off to some internet porn, but hey you'll learn one day kid-O. If they did give condoms out those infected idiots might not be popping out these kids every fucking day and having them die. If they are to dumb to realize they are murdering these kids then fuck them' ..I don't pity them one bit.

Hatemail #8

Subject: about ya pics

Hey, I support ya site, but I have one question, you dont want anybody copying your bitches and shit, but then you posting downloads and pictures on your site that are taken from other sites, weres the morality in that. It seems to me that you have your shit copyrighted and dont want it taken as others do the same. How does it feel?

My response to this:

I swear I get more about this than anything, putting my site name doesn't copyright it you dumb shit it only means I found it and if you only knew how many sites copy everything I do you might actually understand. As for the hotties if I didn't protect them every little kiddie site would have them and its not easy finding them. So how does it feel? Well it feels like apple pie.

Hatemail #9

From: ŽLāsMā <<L33T NAME!!!
Subject: To Opie, A retard.

Opie, you are a total retard. First you start ranting about how you don't give a shot about Africans with aids. Then you are yet to stupid and you go onto the fact of starvation. You say they are too fucking stupid to protect themselves? Half of them never heard of a condom. They even have demonstrations because some people don't know where to put one on! And it's not the fault of the kids that they are starving, it is the fault of the parents. I would agree that you should use condoms but what about all the kids that are already living and starving. Couldn't we help them and then fucking give out condoms. My god, sometimes I wonder what the fuck is wrong with your fucking gayass. Onto other notes, the HIV puppet is famous. You are not. You are a retarded fag who is a computer nerd.

P.S.: What happened to Omega?

My response to this:

Yeah I'm a pc nerd that likes pussy ..sue me. Im not going to explain the reasons about the AIDS shit again when you can read a few emails up. As for Omega(Tim) he got sick of idiots like yourself.

Hatemail #10

Subject: faggot

your a gay faggot with a gay site mother fucking dick sucker

My response to this:

Um ok thanks sweethart. Oh by the way it's you're cunthead.

Hatemail #11

Subject: bitch

your a computer nerd who likes pussy? please bitch the only pussy you see is on the web. what crazy bitch would fuck your huge nasty ass? your the definition of loser. you make me so fuckin sick. at least those african kids get pussy, you would be happy to fuck a dirty, starving african bitch even if she did have aids. little dick comp-geek. FUCK YOU and DIE SLOW BITCH!

Below is the next email from this idiot about 30 seconds later.

Subject: fuck you, faggot

hey, again i am writing to remind you of how pathetic you are. your site is among the lamest, and 'your momma' jokes make you even gayer. why dont you just get off your computer, lose some weight, cut your greasy hair, shave for once, squirt your hog ass off with the hose, and at least try to get a female to look in your general direction. you fucking 21 year old gay virgin. you must be feinding for dome alligator dick or something. just do us all a favor, erase your site just before you kill yourself.... bitch

My response to this:

Yeah it's true I only see pussy on the web ..psss don't tell anyone K? Anyway yeah I'm very pathetic, except I like how you just sent two emails to a complete stranger saying how gay he is etc.. and yet more etc.. How is that dome gator dick you mention? Seems like you know a little bit about it and I'll be sure to erase my site before I die thanks for informing me to take care of that.

Is this guy the dumbest idiot you've ever seen?

Hatemail #12

Subject: (no subject)

Just thought I'd correct you on sumthing that you were to ignorant to see. If somebody sends you a hatemail (or any e-mail for that matter). You dont "own" it. Technically it is illegal to post personal e-mail addresses. Unfortanately none of your regular site viewer are over 12 years old and aren't smart enough to realize this. Im not writing this mail to make hits on you. You posted my e-mail addy too, and I dont care because I've gotten more "Fan-mail" as you call it then I woulda expected (sorry nobody has e-mailed me yet sticking up for you). I'm just making you aware you can be brought to court for posting e-mail address (and no I'm not lying, look it up if you dont believe me). Just thought I'd warn you ahead of time before any lawsuits come you way. Peace "opie".

My response to this:

If you're too retarded to think I won't post an email I get from a dumbass like yourself you shouldn't be coming to my site. As for your fan mail? Excuse me while I laugh ,you must think I give a shit or something because all the idiots (like yourself) that come to this site and hate it and think sending me an email will change something is just plain retarded. As for the court thing? Well last time I checked a 12 year old (as you say the only ones that come here, like yourself ) can't sue anything and I doubt any court would give a flying shit about me posting an email address when you're SPAMMING me in the first place my sending me hatemail. If you send me an email I have the right to do what the fuck I want to with it, so guys go ahead and spam, email bomb or whatever to this idiot, he's on aol so it's ok!

Hatemail #13

Subject: Faggot

you suck, your site sucks, that stupid list sucks, and i don't care if you ban me i wont never come back anyway and by the way you once used the stupid :) thing so you must be an idiot and why would a 21 (or how ever old you are) be making a website? next thing why don't you buy more space for your website, instead of asking people to give you some. Plus you stole all the pictures that are in your posts from websites THEN try to claim them as your own...but you wont let anyone else have any of the ones on your site. I still want to know why you even have a website? and don't just blow me off like some little kid.

My response to this:

Ok does that sound familar? Read some of the top emails and you'll see what I mean.. Anyway this nerd email bombed me and it took a whole 3 seconds to delete them.. Holding shift and hitting the first and last email then delete works like a charm.

Hatemail #14

Subject: (no subject)

im sorry but your random pictures on ur blogs are wrong...
that kitten in the jar?
may death come quicker for u then anyone else

My response to this:

Hey thanks for letting me know this, for you pain I posted a nice little kitty smoking, or you can always stare at this again. Stupid whore..that isn't hurting that dumbass cat at all.. Oh and this isn't a blog either...

Hatemail #15 NEW!

From: Jonathon Klem
Subject: Hatemail (beware, not suited for you about to have a heart attack heart)

I would just like to remind you of the moment when you admited to JTodaMillz "Yeah it's true I only see pussy on the web ..psss don't tell anyone K?". Reading all of that hate-mail was the 5th greatest moment in my life, when I realized that I have a better life than some fat, greasy haired, no shaving, probably poor, virgin, maybe queer, 21 year old webmaster. Few words can describe the joy that entered my mind when I read that and that of all my accomplishments in life. I'm am 21 and at one end of the spectrum, you are 21 and at the other, underbelly , end of the spectrum.

I know that you probably won't post this hatemail, because I am right. And I doubt that you will have read to this far.... By now you have probably come to the harsh realization that you are going nowhere in life and have commited suicide.

(BTW: writing this email only took seconds and was done in my spare time, visiting your piece of shit website was also done in my spare time around 12:20 A.M. right before I went to bed. I wrote this out of pure hatred for you. And unlike you I will actually have friends and a girl-friend to talk to in the morning. That must really hurt you,)

My response to this:

Hi there Jonathon! I see you like many other computer nerds are jealous of something you can't even touch. If someone calling me some" fat, greasy haired, no shaving, probably poor, virgin, maybe queer, 21 year old webmaster" was the greatest moment of your life then your worst off than I thought. Oh wait that's what you "realized". Lets break down those comments and see what's right...

In the order the idiot posted the funny words:

- 6' 170lbs is fat? Get out.
- My head is shaved so can't be greasy.
- I shaved last night girlfriend!
- I work at Ups and drive this so I don't think I'm poor.
- Does my hand count as not being a virgin? Palmeta is her name *wink*
- No this is an exit only.
- Yes I'm 21 .. who told you?

So lets go on to the other funny stuff you sent me.... You said I wouldn't post this? Shit you guys are the reason I do this, it's out of pure humor and fun. Oh yeah how would you having friends and a boyfriend uh I mean "girlfriend" bother me? You may find this hard to believe, but I actually do go out on the weekends with (brace yourself) FRIENDS! The site is something I do for fun, I can't help it so many like it.. go figure. Oh yeah you really need to understand what sarcasm is.

Send your hatemail here (If you send it I own it, but if you must have your email taking off email me so I can laugh at you.)

Note: I haven't gotten hatemail in awhile, so this shit is pretty old.


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