» little late posted on 05/16/11 by

The Great Fan Escape!!!

Cat after anesthesia.. haha

How the hell did he walk away?

Kitten needs his cigarette!!

Most Epic Knifing Fail in COD

I want you to kick really fast.

BRB gotta go feed my pet wasp.

Nice edit on neighbor's sword routine.

Apparently he likes to lick shoes?

I'd hit it.

Big fat ass!

100% Perfect Huge Teen Tits!

Find naked pictures from your city/area code.
A man was stranded in the desert for ten years.
One day, a woman in a wetsuit walked up to this man and said, "Would you like a cigar ?" The man said, "Lady, I ain't smoked in ten years." So, the woman unzipped the left arm of her wetsuit, and pulled out a cigar.
Then, she said, "Would you like a drink ?" The man said, "Lady, I ain't drank in ten years." So, she unzipped the right arm of her wetsuit, and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels.
Last, she unzipped the front of her wetsuit and said, "Would you like to play around ?"
The man said with astonishment... "You mean to tell me that you got a golf set in there, too?!?!"
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
[NSFW] -
Triple chicks.
[NSFW] -
Sexy cam girls.
[ SFW ] -
Buy more beer.
[NSFW] -
Elite covergirls.
[ SFW ] -
Play Angry Birds!
[ SFW ] -
Hot Ganja babes.
[NSFW] -
Dirty pole dancing!
[ SFW ] -
A real Transformer!!!
[ SFW ] -
Lego style apartment.
[ SFW ] -
Whoa! The Whizzinator.
[ SFW ] -
13 Bears And Marijuana.
[ SFW ] -
Honey Badger don't care.
[ SFW ] -
Sloth are so calm looking.
[ SFW ] -
Floating balls is very cool.
[ SFW ] -
Blind man can't play piano.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10: Controversial Fights.
[ SFW ] -
Hey let's set your ass on fire.
[ SFW ] -
Dude films himself from 1977 -2011
[ SFW ] -
Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says
[ SFW ] -
40 Things That Will Make You Feel Old.
[ SFW ] -
The Michael J. Fox news site. Hahahaha
[ SFW ] -
Check out this girls blog she is fucking hot.
[ SFW ] -
Live-Action Version of "The Ambiguously Gay Duo"
[ SFW ] -
The Situation shirt. (I will slap anyone wearing this)
[ SFW ] -
Detailed instructions on getting free shit. (This time it's an ipad)
» ya ya ya posted on 05/13/11 by

The Navy Seal Who Killed Osama Bin Laden.

Batman gets his ass beat in Vegas.

Parrot that mimics a baby crying!

Kitten vs a Scary Thing

How dumb can you be?

Hey watch out for that diet coke and mentos bottle.

Kid messes with the wrong kid.

The art of giving head.

Damn she's fine.

Step-sister in the shower!

Homemade and Hot!
A man takes his wife to the stock show.
They start heading down the alley that had the bulls.
They come up to the first bull and his sign stated: "This bull mated 50 times last year." The wife turns to her husband and says, "He mated 50 times in a year, you could learn from him."
They proceed to the next bull and his sign stated: "This bull mated 65 times last year." The wife turns to her husband and says, "This one mated 65 times last year. That is over 5 times a month. You can learn from this one, also."
They proceeded to the last bull and his sign said: "This bull mated 365 times last year." The wife's mouth drops open and says, "WOW! He mated 365 times last year. That is ONCE A DAY!!! You could really learn from this one."
The man turns to his wife and says, "Go up and inquire if it was 365 times with the same cow."
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
[NSFW] -
Bed babes.
[ SFW ] -
Bible weed.
[ SFW ] -
Never Forgot.
[NSFW] -
Hot euro bitch!
[ SFW ] -
Man 1 - River 0.
[NSFW] -
Sexy ass cam girls.
[ SFW ] -
Voice of an "Angel"
[ SFW ] -
Funny vintage shirts.
[ SFW ] -
Get Your Whizzinator Here.
[ SFW ] -
1 cigarette 1 drag...Wow.
[ SFW ] -
Sexiest Mechanical Bull Ride.
[ SFW ] -
Be a truck driver in this game.
[NSFW] -
Hot ASIAN gives a good cock.
[ SFW ] -
Racist moment on game show.
[ SFW ] -
Worst One-Night-Stand Cities.
[ SFW ] -
Crazy naked guy on the subway.
[ SFW ] -
His job is to clean the Cobra pit.
[ SFW ] -
I should have been a cheerleader.
[ SFW ] -
So this machine is a sperm collector?
[ SFW ] -
A Dissolvable Bikini is the perfect gift!
[ SFW ] -
Rubik's cube world record: 6.24 seconds.
[NSFW] -
This is how Pakistan soldiers interrogate.
[ SFW ] -
It's hailing outside, better go mow my grass.
[NSFW] -
Search for nude pics from your area. Not a dating site.
[ SFW ] -
Intense fat burner and its going free for the weekend!
» This drink is delicious posted on 05/11/11 by


Greatest moment in porn ever?

Old school homemade porn.

Illegal Cumshot!

This bear gets all the action.

The Dangers Of Threesomes.. haha!
One day Johnny was sitting in class and had to go to the bathroom so he raised his hand to ask the teachers permission.
The teacher told Johnny if he could say the alphabet he could go to the bathroom.
Johnny stumbled through it and got it all wrong and had to hold it.
So Johnny studied and studied and felt as though he knew the alphabet perfectly.
The next day when Johnny had to use the bathroom he rose his hand to ask the teacher could he go.
The teacher said if you can say the alphabet I'll let you go.
So Johnny started to say the alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ.
The teacher then asked Johnny well where's the P, and Johnny responded it's running down my leg.

Now that Friday video makes sense!

This is love :) (Wait for it)

Back to the kitchen!

The cocks look better anyway.

Let's play Hot Potato!

Yeah I liked that COD map too.

I bet her vagina is destroyed.

One, Two,Thr.. OH SHIT FUCK!

Better check that baby for bombs...

This is borderline freaky.


- FFL -
[ SFW ] -
Roll a D6.
[NSFW] -
[ SFW ] -
Gamer chick.
[ SFW ] -
Fuck Osama!
[ SFW ] -
Never Forget.
[NSFW] -
Nice little slut.
[ SFW ] -
Monster Insect.
[ SFW ] -
Zombie T-shirts!!!
[NSFW] -
Creampie surprise!
[NSFW] -
Topless beach babe.
[NSFW] -
Hot model gets fucked.
[NSFW] -
Chat with naked cam girls.
[ SFW ] -
Get Your Whizzinator Here.
[ SFW ] -
Greatest Movie Sandwiches!
[ SFW ] -
I feel like chopping wood now.
[ SFW ] -
Top 10: Douchebag Destinations
[ SFW ] -
Girl playing with her dead squirrel.
[ SFW ] -
Don't let the storks deliver babies!
[ SFW ] -
Joe Rogan on Marijuana legalization.
[ SFW ] -
Check out this dude street dancing.
[ SFW ] -
Shake Weight Cracks Up News Station.
[ SFW ] -
"Hostages Trapped Inside Walmart Insisting They Never Shop At Walmart"
» I NEED A HORSE! - Thor posted on 05/09/11 by

Lonely Island's Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)

Katt Williams - Every Day I'm Hustlin'.. hahaha!

Dog really wants the statue to throw a stick.

Guy can turn his head 180 degrees.

Frisbee trick shots.

Sneakiest dog on Earth!

Puke save FAIL.

Oh yeah!

Drunk girl gets fucked!

Perfect Huge Teen Tits!
A man comes home from a night of drinking.
As he falls through the doorway, his wife snaps at him, "What's the big idea coming home half ass drunk?"
The man replies, "I ran out of money."
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
[ SFW ] -
Golf game.
[NSFW] -
Girl on Girl.
[NSFW] -
Zombie sex?
[ SFW ] -
[ SFW ] -
Bacon shirt!
[ SFW ] -
Three nice asses.
[NSFW] -
Juicy booty!!!!!!!!
[NSFW] -
Naked cam models.
[ SFW ] -
Holy shotgun ammo!
[ SFW ] -
Avalanche Cliff Jump.
[NSFW] -
Hot amateur sex tape.
[ SFW ] -
Facial Flex.. The fuck?
[NSFW] -
ASIAN chick loves cum.
[NSFW] -
This bitch gives great head!
[ SFW ] -
Dude gets stuck by lighting!
[ SFW ] -
AirRun app? Says it's not fake?
[NSFW] -
An Explosive Orgasm (Literally)
[ SFW ] -
How To Flirt With A Woman & More.
[ SFW ] -
That whale has a tattoo of pac man!
[ SFW ] -
Yosemite National Park @17 Gigapixels.
[ SFW ] -
UFC fighter has a shirt idea with shit written all over it.
[ SFW ] -
Cop Suspended After Knocking Teen Girl To The Ground.
» ding dong diet posted on 05/06/11 by

Mr. Miyagi was a UFC Trainer!!!!!! (Hilarious Edit)

This is how they killed Bin Laden.

If dogs could talk it would be like this.

Dad catches foul ball while holding his daughter (Like a Boss)

A really good fake.

Obama didn't get killed silly ass.

Why is this old woman at this party?

Frog screams "WEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Do not run on the field during a Red Sox game.

Hey there is someone in your backyard!

Big ass titties.

Huge perfect teen tits!

Bunch of chicks dancing naked.

Weird Freaky Insect Found In India (Part 2)
A young woman was having a physical examination and was embarrassed because of a weight problem.
As she removed her last bit of clothing, she blushed. "I'm so ashamed, Doctor," she said, "I guess I let myself go."
The physician was checking hers eyes and ears. "Don't feel ashamed, Miss. You don't look that bad."
"Do you really think so, Doctor?" she asked.
The doctor held a tongue depressor in front of her face and said, "Of course. Now just open your mouth and say moo."
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
[NSFW] -
Chick Crazy.
[ SFW ] -
Funny shirts!
[ SFW ] -
You'll like this.
[NSFW] -
Thong Heaven.
[NSFW] -
Chat with sluts.
[NSFW] -
I love body paint.
[ SFW ] -
This chick got skills.
[ SFW ] -
Drunk college chick.
[ SFW ] -
Miss USA is a hottie.
[ SFW ] -
[ SFW ] -
How to FAIL at magic.
[ SFW ] -
Here's a good "WTF" video.
[ SFW ] -
Get Your Whizzinator Here.
[ SFW ] -
Very good Obama speech spoof.
[ SFW ] -
365 days of exercise time-lapse.
[NSFW] -
Dr. makes a house call to this slut.
[ SFW ] -
How to scare of those pesky cats.
[ SFW ] -
Google likes all you Gays out there.
[ SFW ] -
Check out this Zombie-Proof House.
[ SFW ] -
White kids should not rap about God.
[ SFW ] -
How to get girls way hotter than you.
[ SFW ] -
"N" as in "Nigger". (Wheel of Fortune)
[NSFW] -
Big tittied chick gives some good head.
[ SFW ] -
Hey you can't say Nigger on Jeopardy!
[ SFW ] -
Medical Marijuana vs American Express.
[ SFW ] -
Burn mad fat and it's free! (Pay shipping)
[NSFW] -
Home Video No One Was Supposed To See!
[NSFW] -
Alexis Texas is the most awesome ass ever.
[ SFW ] -
These companies are giving away free gas cards.
[NSFW] -
The best porn you will ever see, if you disagree you're gay.
» bin shot posted on 05/04/11 by


This amateur chick is smoking hot!

She loves playing with her goods!

Gianna will kick your ass!

I fucked my best friends MOM!

She loves man juice!
A 16-year-old girl finally had the opportunity to go to a party by herself.
Since she was very good-looking, she was a bit nervous about what to do if boys hit on her.
Her mom said, "It's very easy! Whenever a boy starts hitting on you, you ask him, 'What will be the name of our baby?' That'll scare them off."
So off she went.
After a little while at the party, a boy started dancing with her, and little by little he started kissing her and touching her. She asked him, "What will our baby be called?" The boy found some excuse and disappeared.
Some time later, the same thing happened again: a boy started to kiss her neck, her shoulders... She stopped him and asked about the baby's name, and he ran off.
Later on, another boy invited her for a walk. After a few minutes, he started kissing her, and she asked him, "What will our baby be called?"
He continued, now slowly taking her clothes off. "What will our baby be called?" she asked once more.
He began to have sex with her. "What will our baby be called?!" she asked again.
After he was done, he took off his "full" condom, gave it a knot, and said, "If he gets out of this one... David Copperfield!

This is how Obama killed Bin Laden.

Steven knows all.

Keep it!

Time for some Royal Head.

Be Jammin.

Must be a Juggalo.

Classic joke.

Let's dance.

That looks safe.

"Kids, time for your bath"


Wait a second...

- FFL -
[NSFW] -
[ SFW ] -
Kill Bin Laden!
[ SFW ] -
Funny shirts I love.
[NSFW] -
Huge natural titties!
[ SFW ] -
It's The Whizzinator!
[ SFW ] -
Top 10: Fast Women!
[NSFW] -
Chat with naughty girls.
[ SFW ] -
Awkward Teenage Daleks.
[NSFW] -
This chick has a great body.
[ SFW ] -
So this is the real Angry Bird...
[NSFW] -
She strips for a homeless dude.
[ SFW ] -
Check out this Jersey Shore fag.
[ SFW ] -
Dad gives his kid weed for cancer.
[ SFW ] -
Dude is a Boss with a Samurai Sword.
[ SFW ] -
Is this kid fucking retarded? Flame time.
[ SFW ] -
So Far This is the Oldest I've Ever Been.
[ SFW ] -
Miley Cyrus should never sing Nirvana again.
[ SFW ] -
Beastie Boys: Fight For Your Right (Revisited)
[ SFW ] -
"Hey! How did your sister die?" "Oh I killed her in a car wreck"
» Finally posted on 05/02/11 by
UFC 129 No GSP fight because he proves yet again that he sucks at finishing fights.

Randy Couture vs. Lyoto Machida (HOLY FREAKING KO!)

José Aldo vs. Mark Hominick (Fight of the night, last 2 rounds)

Rory MacDonald vs. Nate Diaz (Diaz gets destroyed!)

Yves Jabouin vs. Pablo Garza (Awesome Submission)
The other great fights!
Vladimir Matyushenko vs. Jason Brilz (Quick KO)
Sean Pierson vs. Jake Ellenberger (KO)
Ivan Menjivar vs. Charlie Valencia (TKO)
Jason MacDonald vs. Ryan Jensen (Submission)
More stuff!

A better way to re-watch The Royal Wedding

Wait for the head shot!

Man Vs Moose

This panda is just showing off.

HOLY SHIT! Cara is hot!

I like these Angels better.

Teen caught masturbating!

These girls get over on dudes!

Frightening Insect Discovered In The Amazon
- FFL -
[NSFW] -
[ SFW ] -
[NSFW] -
Playful Babes
[NSFW] -
Naked cam girls.
[ SFW ] -
Nice catch mang!
[ SFW ] -
Play some Dominos!
[ SFW ] -
Wally World T-Shirt.
[ SFW ] -
It's The Whizzinator!
[NSFW] -
Hot Amateur porn clip.
[ SFW ] -
Osama is Dead Shirts!
[ SFW ] -
Lion scares off Crocodile.
[NSFW] -
Sex addict gets a big facial!
[NSFW] -
This bitch has perfect titties.
[ SFW ] -
Hippo bites a lion IN DA FACE!
[ SFW ] -
The world's worst hotel guest!
[ SFW ] -
The most brutal "spanking" ever.
[ SFW ] -
Prince William can kick your ass.
[ SFW ] -
The hottest Storm Trooper ever!
[ SFW ] -
Play Who wants to be a Millionaire!
[ SFW ] -
Pictures of the Tornado aftermath.
[ SFW ] -
Dude tires to bark while wearing a bark collar.
[ SFW ] -
Obama is the funniest President ever. FUU Trump.
[NSFW] -
You have to see these sexy 18 year old lesbians.
[ SFW ] -
Body Slim Tone is giving away 2 free bottles this week.
[ SFW ] -
I guess these soldiers didn't know what they signed up for.
[ SFW ] -
Seth Meyers being hilarious at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
Submit more jokes!