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12/12/24: Archives all updated!
» 9111111111 posted on 09/11/09 by Opie

My tribute to 9/11 is this abortion video. (VERY GRAPHIC)

The best AIDS PSA ever. She's hot as hell too.

Why they wear helmets.

Cripple Karate!

Obama gives great speeches.

Hoveround mosh. He's good.


Out of control Segway.


Sickest MMA and Boxing Knockouts


A man and a woman were driving down the road, arguing about his infidelity when suddenly the woman reached over and cut the man's penis off and tossed it out the window.

Driving behind the couple was a man and his 8-year-old daughter. The girl was chatting away to her father when all of a sudden the penis splattered into their car windscreen, stuck for a moment, then disappeared over the roof.

Surprised, the daughter asked her father, 'Daddy, what was that?' Shocked, but not wanting to expose his little girl to anything sexual at such a young age, the father replied, ' was only a bug, Honey.' The daughter sat with a confused look on her face, and after a moment said.................

'Had a big dick, didn't it?'

- FFL -

[NSFW] - Nudes!
[NSFW] - Find sex.
[ SFW ] - Test- Files.
[ SFW ] - Swimsuit boobs.
[NSFW] - Hidden cam sex.
[ SFW ] - Mega Punch Out!
[NSFW] - Peeping Tom FAIL!
[ SFW ] - Arsonist Fail.. haha.
[NSFW] - Hottest MILF alive.
[ SFW ] - Tennis ball boy FAIL!
[ SFW ] - Anthology Of Ownage.
[ SFW ] - Top 10: Embarrassing Jobs
[NSFW] - I want to bite her asshole.
[NSFW] - Sex in public and she's hot.
[ SFW ] - Nice ass with a tramp stamp.
[NSFW] - Um this is really strange and gay.
[ SFW ] - Get your Halloween costumes early.
[ SFW ] - Where is the nice ass cake section?
[ SFW ] - Samoa changes to driving on the left.
[NSFW] - Banging his teacher to make the grade.
[ SFW ] - Helen Keller Director's Cut.. Haha, awesome.
[ SFW ] - Whatzupwitu (Michael Jackson & Eddie Murphy)
[ SFW ] - I want to slap the shit out of people at Walmart too.
[NSFW] - One Of The Most Famous Japanese Porn Movies - FULL VIDEO
[ SFW ] - Americans Observing 9/11 By Trying Not To Masturbate.. haha

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» 999=666 posted on 09/09/09 by Opie


The girl who can't stop orgasming.


A lawyer died. At the same moment, the Pope also died.

They arrived at the gates of heaven at the same moment.

They spend the day in orientation, and as they're getting their heavenly vestments, the Pope gets a plain white toga and wings, like everyone else, and the lawyer gets much finer apparel, made of gold thread, and Gucci shoes.

Then, they get to see where they're going to live?.

The Pope gets what everyone else gets, a replica of a Holiday Inn room, and the lawyer gets an 18 room mansion with servants and a swimming pool.

At dinnertime, the Pope receives the standard meal, a Manischewitz kosher TV dinner, and the lawyer receives a fine and tasty meal, served on silver platters.

By this time, the lawyer is beginning to suspect that an error has been made, so he asks one of the angels in charge, "Has there been some kind of mistake? This guy was the Pope, and he gets what everyone else gets, and I'm just a lawyer and I'm getting the finest of everything?"

The angel replied, "No mistake, sir. We've had lots of Popes here, but you're the first lawyer we've ever had."


Chuck Norris still rules.


Tracy is dumb.


White trash city.

Go run with scissors too.

He's jamming.

Big ass spider.

- FFL -

[NSFW] - Hot teens.
[ SFW ] - Just butts.
[ SFW ] - Cool war game.
[NSFW] - Great cam girl site.
[ SFW ] - Top 10 biker gangs.
[ SFW ] - Halloween is Coming!
[ SFW ] - Beauty or Butterface?
[NSFW] - After school teen sex.
[ SFW ] - It's a candy bra! Um...
[NSFW] - Social Network for SEX!
[ SFW ] - Hello strange pedo guy.
[ SFW ] - Dogs running into things.
[ SFW ] - Jean jackets and big tits.
[ SFW ] - I really hate female rappers.
[ SFW ] - Playboy Best Butt Challenge.
[ SFW ] - Parents of the year goes to..
[ SFW ] - How To Make a Hot Dog Flute.
[ SFW ] - Mattress Domino World Record
[ SFW ] - Thermal Hog Hunting, pretty cool.
[ SFW ] - Proposal Fail, haha has to be fake.
[NSFW] - Here's a 67 minute porn clip for ya.
[ SFW ] - Redskins fan being sued by Redskins.
[ SFW ] - I bet you stoners would be like "fuck it".
[ SFW ] - Couple married at son's funeral. Weirdos.
[ SFW ] - Hahaha! This woman is living in a fantasy land.
[ SFW ] - The Men Who Stare At Goats Trailer. (Clooney)
[ SFW ] - Ten Amazing Performances from Sesame Street.
[ SFW ] - Oh come on, she seriously just pissed her pants.
[NSFW] - Busted Filming Amateur Restroom Porn. (Nice ass)
[NSFW] - Better watch this now before she has it removed.

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» Labor Day posted on 09/07/09 by Opie

Must be a good book.

Player accused of having a Genie.

Nipple and pellet gun.

Nice sucker punch.

I don't think the cop enjoyed A ROD touching her.

Kid cries blood.

That is all. Enjoy your Labor Day.

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» Wipe thy ass posted on 09/04/09 by Opie

Why we love MMA. (VERY good compilation)

Keep boobies inside car please.

Remember that movie Cop and a half?

Nice edit.

Skateboard FAIL.

Rally car almost flips over.

Haha, no way.


'Of course I won't laugh, said the nurse. I'm a professional.

In over twenty years I've never laughed at a patient.'

'Okay then, said Fred, and he proceeded to drop his trousers, revealing the tiniest 'man thingy' the nurse had ever seen. Length and width, It couldn't have been bigger than the a AAA battery. Unable to control herself, the nurse started giggling, then fell to the floor laughing.

Ten minutes later she was able to struggle to her feet and regain her composure.

'I am so sorry,' she said. 'I don't know what came over me. On my honor as a nurse and a lady, I promise it won't happen again. Now, tell me, what seems to be the problem?'

'It's swollen,' Fred replied.

She ran out of the room.


Smart girl.

You will laugh.

Chuck Norris was here.


Pretty goddamn funny.

Baby on board.

I'd buy a boat from here.

Tree dick.

Nice place for bees.

I'm scared.

- FFL -

[NSFW] - Seekbang.
[NSFW] - Praise the sexy.
[NSFW] - Naked geek girls!
[ SFW ] - World map game.
[NSFW] - Nice porn blooper.
[ SFW ] - The Wolfman trailer.
[ SFW ] - Idiot breaks his wrist.
[NSFW] - Sexy blonde stripping.
[NSFW] - That is a good blow j.
[ SFW ] - Beer Pong EPIC WINS.
[ SFW ] - What the hell is going on..
[ SFW ] - Her hair needs to be shorter.
[ SFW ] - Beavis and Butthead are back!
[ SFW ] - People of Walmart picture site.
[ SFW ] - He tired to sneak back into jail.
[ SFW ] - We Missed The Slut Generation.
[ SFW ] - How to win a fight. (Funny PSA)
[ SFW ] - Best Halloween Costume for Girls.
[ SFW ] - Russian Bike Trick (With subtitles)
[ SFW ] - This game is fun and has cool music.
[NSFW] - It's Time To Lose Your Virginity, Loser.
[ SFW ] - COD6 game play and it looks awesome.
[ SFW ] - Chinese guy goes after his youtube haters.
[ SFW ] - 'Smash and grab' robbery at NJ Apple Store.
[ SFW ] - Power Ranger Wants to Pick an MMA Fight.
[NSFW] - The hottest amateur girl in the world fucked.
[ SFW ] - The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Trailer.
[ SFW ] - Cop shoots fire chief in Ark. court over tickets.
[NSFW] - Old school fans will remember her. (Spring Thomas)
[ SFW ] - Um, Old guy wearing a diaper and dancing like a fag.
[ SFW ] - Microsoft Apologizes for Photoshopping Black Man out of Advertisement.

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» back in action posted on 09/02/09 by Opie


Bonus Clip

I love strippers

The other shit

(UFC 102) Jardine Vs Silva - Good KO.

(UFC 102) Marquart Vs Maia - 21 second KO.

(UFC 102) Tim Hague Vs Todd Duffee - UFC fastest KO.

Baby chicks have a rough life. (Kind of Graphic)

I knew a remix would pop up.

A fucking bee stung me!

Nice crash.

Too drunk to (legally) fuck and her body is bad ass.

Drink butter water?


A man walks into a bar, orders a drink, gulps it down, looks in his pocket then orders another one.

He gulps that one down, looks in his pocket again, then orders another one.

He does this about 7 or 8 more times when the bartender finally asks, "Every time you finish a drink you look in your pocket. What's in your pocket?"

The man replies, "Oh... I have a picture of my wife in there. I drink until she looks good, then I go home."

- FFL -

[ SFW ] - I got one!
[ SFW ] - Is he dead?
[NSFW] - Hot cam girls.
[ SFW ] - Dr. 90210 Perv.
[NSFW] - Very sexy Teens.
[ SFW ] - Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
[ SFW ] - New iStalker app.
[ SFW ] - NFL bans tweeting.
[NSFW] - Her ass is awesome.
[ SFW ] - Let her petra fry you!
[ SFW ] - God I hate Reality TV..
[NSFW] - Social Network for SEX!
[ SFW ] - If you like asses check this.
[ SFW ] - These T-shirts fucking rock!
[ SFW ] - Will Ferrell playing pro tennis.
[ SFW ] - 10 Best After School Specials.
[ SFW ] - How to have sex in the water.
[NSFW] - Disability doesn't stop this girl.
[NSFW] - Sexy teen fucked in the shower.
[ SFW ] - Don't play with guns while drunk.
[ SFW ] - Danny DeVito looks strange naked.
[ SFW ] - Is that a squirrel humping a snake?
[ SFW ] - Oh look, a NFL player pitching a fit.
[ SFW ] - Baby's Toes Chewed Off By Pit Bull.
[ SFW ] - Chimp magic from your ASIAN friends.
[ SFW ] - Apparently this boxer likes Burger King.
[ SFW ] - Nigro companies isn't owned by whites.
[ SFW ] - This is the gayest song I've ever heard.
[ SFW ] - They don't need steel, they use bamboo.
[ SFW ] - Hitler is Pissed about Disney Buying Marvel.
[ SFW ] - This may be the coolest site ever. (Boobs!)
[NSFW] - Mom Thought She Was Alone In The Kitchen.
[ SFW ] - Teacher now has a porn career? FIND CLIPS!
[ SFW ] - Kid From Kid 'N' Play selling suits commercial.
[ SFW ] - Not sure WTF is up with this but it kind of jams.

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