August Archives
2002 VMA's posted on Thursday 8/29/02 at 11:28 pm by

well another VMA's has come and as i type im watching the re0run of it since i
was at work for a few hours of it,but when i came home i was lucky and got to
see Christina Aguilera's sexy ass. My god she really grew up and i love her now.
Speaking of sexy ass's anyone see
Spears? Well i did and my jaw dropped until some other
ass lady appears and scared the
out of me..Why must
Mtv do that
to me..bastards.. Um next i thought the "
the insult dog" segment was funny as hell and got even funnier when he went
to talk to Eminem and Eminem bascily told him to
off,which wasn't cool since that dog rules!
Oh but it got better when Eminem won an award that Christina was presenting anyway
Eminem read a list of names then said "Sorry that Moby girl messed me up" (or
something like that),then Moby started booing and then he said "Go ahead keeping
booing i
will hit a guy with glasses!!!!!!" (!=WOW) Eminem is an asshole
even though i agree with Moby being a fag. The last thing i'll talk about is that
Justin dude from n'sync..well not really he just looked like a
whiter Micheal others words
gay..Oh yeah Jimmy was a good host..funny stuff.
To read all the
that happened at the VMA's just click
Site news:
I havn't been working on nothing but the new
lately so thats the reason why i havn't added anything new ,but i do have around
50mbs of movies to add but don't feel like it now...If you don't know i did actually
buy vBulletin and im just waiting on the members access stuff and the style is
already made and wont take no time to tranfer all the members,threads, and post
To the people that said your were sending money and were bullshitin
me,well consider yourself banned and deleted from the Forums.
I know is asshole-ish but you shouldn't of told me that.
Since it looks like im out 160 bucks im thinking on making a members section.
The members section will have full movies and just about anything else,but the
only way you get is to pay. I doubt i will do this since most of you are
free riders and thats fine,but if you knew what all i have you would pay. If you
think you would be willing to pay send me an email.. Again
this is just an
Alright im done with this dumbass post ,off to play
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aol is funny posted on Tuesday 8/27/02 at 3:42 am by

story...Ok i've had aol since i got my gateway pc almost 2 years ago,if anyone
knows with gateway they give you a year free of aol,and alot of people start out
with dail up. Anyway since i have cable i have no need for aol right?
after the year is up i go call up aol and say i want to cancel and every damn
time they either have a problem with their computers OR they just give me more
aol for free..It really gets annoying but the other night my "free" months are
up again so like always i go to call up aol and the lady's name is Pat and ask
if its ok to call me Shane? I go, no call me Pete..she goes ok Pete can you tell
me why your canceling aol?..
Me-No i have cable though.
Pat-Have you tried the keywords?
Me-Um no i use google.
Pat-What do you normaly do online?
Me-(started to say lesbians and puppy dogs) Um freeware!
Pat-So you havn't use aol keywords?
Me-Um no still..
Pat-Ok Pete heres what i'll do, i'll give you
3 months free and encourage
you to try aol keywords!
Me-Um ok bye.
I will have aol free forever.
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vBulletin posted on Saturday 8/24/02 at 6:27 pm by

gay in general but gay about their
prices,anyone that pays 160 bucks for a damn script is a complete retard, no
since my lame cgi
are starting to get more people on a time,im thinking on getting vBulletin but
im no
im a smarttard im getting a few loyal members or "fans" (i don't think i have
fans though) to
donate 10-20 bucks and i can and
if i can get at least 100 i'll take care of the rest,since i've had to donations
awhile ago...If you want to see more info on this join the
have a few that "say" they are going to send money we'll just have to see..vBulletin
I got rid of a few links because either there site was down forever or took my
link down..o well not my lost..
I need to go wash my
ass whore of a truck because its been raining all the damn time..
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Blahhhhh.. posted on Wednesday 8/21/02 at 3:39 am by

well i havn't finished the file update
yet but im working on it,i've been
doing some other
besides site stuff. I wasn't even going to post today but i have a few things
for yall to check out.. One of them is that a Mod in my
posted a link to see how fast you can "spank the monkey",so im wondering
fast can you?.. I got only around 600 and something,but another forum member
got like 1428 mph..Yes you may think im a dork now (which i am) but you'll sit
there and play it forever haha.. The other thing is something
showed me. This is a flash where a guy got reviews from
on a flash movie he made and then made a flash anout it..
Anyone go see that
of Pluto Nash? Well it looks like the stupidest movie made, and it only made
like 2mil in the opening weekend but heres the really funny part..It took over
100mil to make! Isn't that some
know they were pissed.. Well i have to get up earlier than usual today so i need
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im posting again posted on Monday 8/19/02 at 12:29 am by

notice since i took the tag off the main,there hasn't as many tags? Well im glad
because it got retarded looking seeing a bunch of spammers spamming their dumb
sites every 10 minutes...This weekend i actually had a little free time and did
some work on the site,the reason i had time was i got alot of
done friday and i may have some time this week to add some
,only if i don't get lazy.. But i don't see that happening. Oh let me thank
for donating 10 bucks to me,it will going towards the bandwidth cost etc. since
i just keep the balance in paypal so when im billed it just takes it, If you want
to be l33t like
fucking donate already. If you didn't read the updates i did add the featured
d/l back ,but won't be any movies until more of you free riders Support the site,i
say if i can one donater every other week that should be more than enough to
be get more bandwidth which means more downloads, Hotties,and content in general.
Tincup was in TV the other day and i don't know if you have seen it anyway heres
a riddle from the movie,even though im to retarded to get riddles myself heres
one for you:
A man and his son got in a wreck,both were taking to different hospital's. When
the Doctor goes in to treat the son the doctor says "I can't treat this boy ,he's
my son?
How is that possible?
I might of fucked that up but its late ,but makes sense right?
If you have any suggestions for the site feel free to email me,like the change
i made on the apps section was requested so if you have something you think would
make the site better send me an email or AIM me(xwhoopassx). Thats about it far
as posting today i got check the updates later to see if i add anything..
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hey... posted on Saturday 8/17/02 at 1:36 am by

notice the 3-4 day posting pauses? Well i did actually update last night,if you
would check the fucking updates on Caprice's sexy belly you would of seen i added
like 85 fonts,which i've been working on a little when i had time the past few
days..So maybe im lacking a little but hey i added something and i have alot of
files to add too but i might add some new pages first,like i have a few pages
i need to add to the resources page,add 3 submitted tutorials i got (submit more
files(i said that already), and change the damn
already. While im on the
subject i guess some of you think im playing about double registering or not filling
out the fills and yeah i decline people left and right. I have like 540 something
members and don't need alot of people posting meaning-less
,so thats why i approve each member now...Oh i need to start reading my mail more
often,i got a trade trade request from some dork with a homestead like premade
template...people today.. Oh yeah i may add the featured download back ,but it
won't be any more full movies until more people donate..and if you do donate i
will give you some plugs too..
Well this right here is for the guys (sorry girls that come here) Wait how many
girls come here? I doubt many..ANYWAY i was searching google and came across a
flash that had the word boobs in it,so im like "wow get my lotion!"... (joke)
So i check it and my future wife
Moon was flashng me! Now some of you are like "damn what a prev" well yeah
i am ,what guy my age isn't?
Don't forget to look at the updates on Caprice,because im to busy to post here
every time i update
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woah i one l33t dude posted on Monday 8/12/02 at 3:13 pm by

i've been way busy and not having any time for the site,i was going to work on
it some this weekend but ended up going to the lake with like 5 other friends..too
bad it was to damn windy but it was still fun..Well sunday i had a little free
time and got bored and added the php scripts section with alot of new scripts
(like 26) so enjoy that, some are the ones i use.. Next thing i'll probably work
on is the fonts, because i have a shit load of fonts that i need to add.. Oh and
im still working on making my
look better and im thinking of a new poll its just a matter of
stay tuned..
Ok i was looking threw some movie sites and they mentioned some
vs. Batman and i've heard about the batamn vs superman but then i saw something
vs. Jason?? I wish they would stop making shit like this, like let them die
for once.. Hmm one last thing is i came across a very true story about the wars
and stuff..
it out
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real quick posted on Thursday 8/8/02 at 1:07 am by
I know there has been some downtime lately and heres why:
We've found out what the issue is. The master Cogent Cisco Switch, and has
failed, and is being replaced tomorrow sometime as they are rushing out and currently
configuring a new one to minimize downtime.
There will be obviously a small amount of downtime tomorrow, semi-scheduled as
they swap the old switch out and put the new one in. There aren't many connections
or configurations on it so it shouldn't take less then 30 minutes we hope
About an hour ago the server went down so maybe that was it.. hopefully just thought
id let yall know what the deal was...
Oh don't forget to check the updates section on Caprice (chic on left) because
its quicker for me to update there.. Lots of stuff coming on the site soon..
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pump it whore posted on Monday 8/5/02 at 3:38 pm by

it i need to update more
and with a recent donation from
i might just do so expect some updates this week. Oh i signed up from that
T-shirt hell and they got some funny ass shirts and another way to Support
the site is
up with this link and it gives me a whole dollar! but just think if 50
of you sign up i get 50 bucks so it adds up..oh yeah you can make money yourself
after you sign up...
Im probably going to re-do alot of sections this week because some are way out
of order and need to clean them up,i would of done some
this weekend but i was way busy doing other
like going to see Signs and other
One last thing some faggots warned me out while i wasn't home and i guess they
got off
on it or are
plain retarded..Anyway if you need to im me my s/n is
Whoopass Opie
its an old name a made a while back so i may just stay with that one..
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hey an update posted on Friday 8/2/02 at 2:59 am by

i finally got off my lazy ass an added 3 albums to the albums section, so enjoy
that i guess... I've been working on the
a little lately and thinking of converting one day to vb or something,i've tried
phpbb but one some
the topics are all
up,so maybe i'll try another,but
im in need of a ubb 6.0 to vBulletin 2.whatever
version convertor,so if you have it or think you can find it please email
me and attach it and i'll hook you
up with some plugs or something..I just need it in case i decide to switch one
day.. Oh quick thing to the people emailing me to trade links,well i have a few
im going to add probably later today or night since i don't go anywhere on fridays
since i have work..
Well next i want to talk about
shit.. Ok so at first im think just a coincidence until i get an im from this
K a y o s e d : opie u know that layout that that guy ripped off of you
boon made it a day ago for him
Shane aka Opie : a day ago?
Shane aka Opie: are you shitin me?
K a y o s e d: no
K a y o s e d: dude,i swear
K a y o s e d: it was like 1-2 days ago
Shane aka Opie: how you know this?
Shane aka Opie: cause i know i sure as hell didn't rip shit
K a y o s e d: ok posifaction told me he was getting a layout from boon
K a y o s e d : i asked boon if he could make me one 2 if i pay
K a y o s e d: he told me after he makes posifactions layout
K a y o s e d: he said his will be done in a couple of mins
K a y o s e d: he showed me ip before he put iy up
K a y o s e d: im like wtf thats opies
K a y o s e d: he riped everything but that one babe
Shane aka Opie : and what he say?
K a y o s e d : hes like "This is how he wanted it"
Now on that last comment I imed boon and thats what he told me and so basicly
they both are rippers,now one why would you rip something from me? haha..two would
you make something that looks like someone else's layout?
Oh I want to thank all the people that emailed and imed me saying how they liked
the new layout and the me that warm fuzzy feeling inside...not really
but i do appreciate it.If you really want to thank me you could go just
sign up with paypal and leave the refer code (box at the bottom after you
click sign up now) and boom i get 5 bucks, now you need a credit card but don't
have to donate any money if you don't have any.
Alright I need sleep and i might touch up the layout a little..
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