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12/12/24: Archives all updated!
12/02 archives new layout? no couldn't be.. posted on Saturday 12/28/02 by Opie

Hey guess what boys and girls... I've actually come up with a new layout, well sort of I only started making a little header and you shouldn't expect much since I suck at adobe but this will probably have everything on the main page (updates page etc..)and since I'm going to stay home tonight so I can have lots of money for new years. So who knows when this new layout will come? Could be today or weeks, but you don't have to worry about the site going under construction or shit like that, I'll close off the site for 10-15 minutes while I re-configure everything, since this site is mainly all php I only have to change a few pages. So again don't expect much this one will be pretty simple.

Site Updates and Upcoming Updates
-More files have been added
-Funny section to be added too
-Go through all my emails and trade links with some, I have A LOT of request.
-Add some new pages to "the rest" section.
-and more I'll let you know on the updates page.

Keep in mind a lot of this will be added this weekend, it's been awhile since I sat down and worked a lot on the site and started yesterday so while I'm in the mood and have the time I'll make you happy.

Oh and more FFL
- International Orgasms
- Chicks with four boobies!
- Hey I thought I owned entensity? (read the idiot's sig)
- The Adventures of T-Diddy and Matt
- Online Pets?
- Show your booty fool!
- Damn people getting off to screensavers now..
- Christina Nipple Slip
- This was posted in the forums, after you read it read the site disclaimer.


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Merry (early) Christmas posted on Tuesday 12/24/02 by Opie

Well after my computer problems the update I said I would add couldn't get done because I couldn't open anything (read updates page for more details) well anyway I fixed it by downloading a spybot sppyware remover and I suggest each one of you download this sucka because it may save you the trouble of finding out what the problem is. The name of the program is "Spybot - Search & Destroy" and you can download it here. I will add it to the apps section after christmas when I get that promised update done.

Since I didn't add anything to the site why not some christmas fun? First I heard this new song on the radio the other day and couldn't find the MP3 anywhere but finally ended up finding a real player version. You all remember the "Because I got high" song right?..haha well here's a christmas version:

Afoman - Be Claus I got high

- Streaming Version.
- Save this version. (right click save as)

Dear Santa?
You might of seen this before?

Flash Christmas games:
- Santa Ski Jump
- Save Christmas
- Santa Sledding
- Hitman 2 Christmas Game

Hope you guys/girls have a good christmas and get want you want.


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Updates and a little news posted on Friday 12/20/02 by Opie

Whoa.. long time since my last post and that was because I was getting over the shit I had and I feel alot better and went back to work and we're getting a lot of packages since it's christmas time. Probbaly handled some of your presents, but don't worry they get thrown all over the place. I wouldn't ship my stuff Ups.. (joking) Hmm I've been getting too many sites asking to trade links so I updated that page and also decided to add an advertising part to the site so we can both benefit from it. Even if you don't have a credit card you can mail me money to the p.o. box I went and set up. I've been wanted to get one of those awhile since people said they would donate if I got one so we'll see what I get and since I got my christmas shopping done I had some time to go out and get one.... If your wondering why I put the ad space there is because my server bill is going up as my bandwidth increases and will keep going up after my next file update.

Why not some more FFL
- Dictionary of Obscure Sexual Terms
- Ever seen a roadcow?
- Get your Latex Masks today!
- What the fuck is this?
- This is freaky.
- Hey I saw these on Jay leno.
- This makes you want to say this.
- If you like to cheat this site is for you.
- This game rules!
- Can't beat these ground effects!
- Mitch needs his ass whooped.
- Guys stop getting drunk and passing out.
- Do you have "the gay"?
- This was in my referals.. you guys are gay.
- Who the hell would buy this?
- ..and finally..Sober Santa.

It's almost work time for me and I will post again (probably a few times) before christmas, If I don't get time to post here check the updates and you'll find some good shit, because I have quite a bit of stuff I need to add since it's been awhile, I've manily just been posting here.. So again next update will have good stuff, the stuff I've done so far is just little stuff that you probably wouldn't notice.


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Little better posted on Saturday 12/14/02 by Opie

Well I'm feeling a little better but still sick and laying in bed all day is boring the hell out of me so I've been searching the net and finding lots of stuff to post so why not some more:

More FFL
- Play some nice Jump rope.
- Ummm this involves horses.
- Can you see Jesus?
- Make George bush say what you want.
- Don't get humped, shoot them first!
- Don't let the Moneky's fall on the rocks.
- This can't be right.
- This guy humps shit.
- Change the sub domain with someone's name.
- Let's go Goth huntin'.

I'm going to be working on the funny and downloads sections this weekend so check the updates later for more info on that.

Oh we can't forget this, it's some Christina Aguilera pics that are new on the net and they are just a little too damn sexy:

< these are now in the hotties section >

Playboy here she comes.. now if britney would only follow in her footsteps..

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Entensity has a CS server, now a Mod in the forums is the main guy (TriX)that is running it and he wanted to put the name as entensity, so I know lots of you guys play and figured I would support. Here's the server info:

IP :
Name : -=D|Z=- & [] Server 24/7 Dust/2
Players : 16
Version : Counter-Strike 1.5

Have fun.


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sick posted on Thursday 12/12/02 by Opie

Well it turns out that me being sick the past weeks is because I have pneumonia. So I have to rest for a few days and don't feel like working on the site. Just go to the forums, I still may go around there.

I'll probably be good this weekend.


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Good Stuff posted on Monday 12/9/02 by Opie

Alright with all the hits I'm getting I just have to post for the hell of it and I'm in a hurry since I have to go to work in just a little while, but I have some good things planned coming up and will give some of you guys with sites that need hits a chance to get some for a low price. This will keep me from adding pop ups all over the site and you can benefit from it. If I don't have to un-ass too much more money I have no problem keeping the site up since this is just for fun. So tonight or tomorrow I'll have a way for you to get your site advertised on this site using a bigger banner that will be under the stats.If you can't wait till then and you're interested in advertising send me an email. Speaking of stats this is freaking crazy haha.

As said on the updates I said I was going to add some downloads today, but caught up in some other things and will add shit later this week, but until then check all this shit out:

Fucking fun links! (FFL)

- Play the best game classic game on earth! (Donkey Kong!!!!)
- Catch Michael Jackson's Baby (Reposted since so many love it)
- Catch Michael Jackson's Baby New version!
- Fat chicks in party hats?
- Ever think a snake could be stuck in here?
- Lego DEATH.
- Learn how to shit in the woods.
- Spank your monkey fool!
- Learn how to impress your date! Finally a guide haha.
- Also learn how to dance, only like a white boy though.
- God now they make gay dolls... How uh gay.

Remember when I asked some of you to make me a new button? Well here's a really nice one submitted by this guy and here's the button.


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holy shit posted on Friday 12/6/02 by Opie

Look at all these hits I'm getting... Thanks to a CNNMoneys EyeOpener email that is going around all over the world my little site is getting slammed with hits. My site was the "fun site of the day" or something. To save bandwidth I've moved my images to another server until this shit goes down.

Looking for the Micheal Jackson baby drop game? Read below to play it.
I know most of you are probably looking for the MJ baby drop thing and I deleted that sucka, but you can still find the game right here.(link updated)

Also if anyone could forward the whole email to me to me that would be nice so I can show it to my normal visitors. ( Thanks.

Oh be cool and donate some cash since it looks like my server bill is going to be more this month.


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Aww someone got his pussy hurt posted on Tuesday 12/3/02 by Opie

Guess what it is before you click bitchYou know it's been awhile since my last post and that's because I was fucking sick ,actually still kind of sick but anyway someone in my forums told me about this pathetic excuse for a site that is full of racist kids that like to use words like "nigger", "fuckin jew", "I hate the world because my daddy made my asshole to pink" (ok I made that one up, but you get the idea). Well as much as I know they would love for me to give them some traffic to their site, I won't.If you've been around this site awhile you would know trying to get me to give your shitty ass site some attention won't get you anywhere but me laughing at you. When are you idiots going to realize saying this site sucks is about the most stupidest thing you can say, I mean really I rule, the site rules, and strippers and beer rule. Now I'm sure this petey and der (I got a wooden spoon derrr) shit I mean "jer" guy will come back to the site and comment and say I'm a "nigger jew" yadda yadda blah blah... come on guys can't you come up with something better? Mommy and Daddy must be so proud of their little pussytards.


Since I haven't updated on the site in awhile I'm going to try and get some good shit for you guys and girls you just have to bare with me until I get enough time and since it's still early and I'm going to work on some stuff later today so check the updates page to see what's added. Until then enjoy this shit:

Any of you ever heard of Rodney Carrington? He is one of the funniest dude I've heard and he's about as country as the usual rednecks you see.

- Titties and Beer!
- Dear Penis
- Here's a funny MP3 by him about a 12 inch dick and.. just listen to it.

More funny flash:

- Burn the city up!
- Run over people!
- For alot of other flash (same site as some of above posted) here's a folder slap full of flash, also give credit to this guy for finding all the stuff on his site.

Last I was browsing and check the upcoming page and saw the best things:

When Harry Met Lloyd: Dumb & Dumberer Prequel and Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo 2. I can't wait.

Edit: I updated that news image and made it better.. check it out haha (guess what it is before you click the link)


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